home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- File ResXXXXEd.c
- Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1990
- All rights reserved.
- */
- #include <types.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <menus.h>
- #include <resources.h>
- #include "ResEd.h"
- #define windowWidth 300
- #define windowHeight 100
- #define sizeOfXXXXResource 10
- typedef struct rXXXXRec
- {
- ParentHandle father; /* Back ptr to dad */
- Str255 name; /* The name of this editor */
- WindowPtr wind; /* This view's window */
- Boolean rebuild; /* Set true if things have changed */
- Boolean resWasntLoaded; /* TRUE if the resource should be released when the window is closed. */
- unsigned char windowType;
- ResType theResType; /* Type of the resource beingedited. */
- short theResFile; /* The home resfile of the window. */
- short codeResID; /* Resource ID of the RSSC resource containing the picker or editor. */
- Handle hXXXX; /* The resource we are working on */
- } rXXXXRec;
- typedef rXXXXRec *rXXXXPtr;
- typedef rXXXXPtr *rXXXXHandle;
- /* Function prototypes. */
- pascal void DoMenu(short menu, short item, rXXXXHandle myXXXX);
- /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- /* Fix up the window name and title for our window. */
- void GetNameAndTitle(StringPtr windowTitle,StringPtr windowName,Handle thing)
- {
- strcpy(windowTitle,"\pXXXX");
- SetETitle(thing,windowTitle);
- strncpy(windowName,windowTitle,*windowTitle + 1); /* Add 1 for the length byte */
- }
- /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- pascal void EditBirth(Handle thing,ParentHandle dad)
- {
- rXXXXHandle myXXXX;
- WindowPtr myWindow;
- Str255 windowTitle,windowName;
- /* Prepare window title and request creation of a new window */
- GetNameAndTitle(windowTitle, windowName, thing);
- myWindow = EditorWindSetup(noDialog, noColor, windowWidth, windowHeight, windowTitle, windowName, true, ResEdID(), dad);
- /* If we got a new window, then start up the editor */
- if (myWindow != nil)
- {
- /* This was called via a NEW, so make a new resource. */
- if (GetHandleSize(thing) == 0L)
- FixHand(sizeOfXXXXResource,thing);
- /* Get memory for and handle to our instance record */
- myXXXX = (rXXXXHandle)NewHandle(sizeof(rXXXXRec));
- if (MemError() != noErr)
- {
- CloseWindow(myWindow);
- WindReturn(myWindow); /* Mark the window record as being available */
- return;
- }
- /* Put information about this incarnation of the editor and the window it is */
- /* serving into our record.(always passed around in the handle myXXXX). */
- (*myXXXX)->father = dad;
- strncpy((*myXXXX)->name, windowName, windowName[0] + 1); /* Add 1 for the length byte */
- (*myXXXX)->wind = myWindow;
- (*myXXXX)->rebuild = false;
- (*myXXXX)->resWasntLoaded = !WasItLoaded();
- (*myXXXX)->windowType = editorWindow;
- (*myXXXX)->theResType = 'XXXX';
- (*myXXXX)->theResFile = HomeResFile(thing);
- (*myXXXX)->codeResID = ResEdID();
- (*myXXXX)->hXXXX = thing;
- /* Let the main program know who is to manage this window by giving it both */
- /* our resource ID number and our instance record handle. */
- ((WindowPeek)myWindow)->refCon = (long)myXXXX;
- /* Set up any menus,views, etc. for this window here. */
- }
- }
- /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- /* Not used for editors. */
- pascal void PickBirth(ResType t, ParentHandle dad)
- {
- #pragma unused (t, dad)
- }
- /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- pascal void DoEvent(EventRecord *evt, rXXXXHandle myXXXX)
- {
- Point mousePoint;
- BubbleUp((Handle)myXXXX); /* Move our item up in memory */
- HLock((Handle)myXXXX); /* Lock it down */
- /* Handle event passed to us by main program. Just like a 'real' event loop, except… */
- /* there is no loop and we don't have to handle as much because the main program */
- /* will do all the stuff that doesn't apply to us. */
- SetPort((*myXXXX)->wind); /* Set the port to our window */
- switch (evt->what)
- {
- case mouseDown:
- mousePoint = evt->where; /* Point at which the event occured */
- GlobalToLocal(&mousePoint); /* Convert event location to local coords */
- break; /* Do any special mouse down processing here. */
- case activateEvt:
- if (evt->modifiers & activeFlag)
- {
- AbleMenu(editMenu, editNone);
- /* Do any activate processing here (such as inserting a menu) */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Do any deactivate processing here (such as deleting a menu). */
- }
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- /* Do the appropriate update processing here. Remember that BeginUpdate has already been called. */
- PaintRect(&(*myXXXX)->wind->portRect);
- break;
- case keyDown:
- /* Do any key processing here. */
- if ((evt->message & charCodeMask) == deleteKey) /* Convert the delete character into a clear command. */
- {
- DoMenu(editMenu, clearItem, myXXXX);
- }
- break;
- case nullEvent:
- /* Do any null event processing here (such as blinking a cursor). */
- break;
- }
- HUnlock((Handle)myXXXX);
- }
- /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- pascal void DoInfoUpdate(short oldID, short newID, rXXXXHandle myXXXX)
- {
- ParentHandle father = (*myXXXX)->father;
- Str255 windowTitle,windowName;
- HLock((Handle)myXXXX);
- /* Since our ID has changed, we need to change our window title */
- GetNameAndTitle(windowTitle, windowName, (Handle)(*myXXXX)->hXXXX);
- GetWindowTitle(windowTitle, windowName,true, (*myXXXX)->father);
- /* Save the new name in my data structure. */
- strncpy((*myXXXX)->name, windowName, windowName[0] + 1); /* Add 1 for the length byte. */
- SetWTitle((*myXXXX)->wind, windowTitle); /* Set the new window title. */
- /* Now, let our father object know that our ID has been changed */
- (*father)->rebuild = true; /* Rebuild the picker list. */
- CallInfoUpdate(oldID, newID, (long)father, (*father)->wind->windowKind);
- HUnlock((Handle)myXXXX);
- }
- /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- pascal Boolean IsThisYours(Handle thing, rXXXXHandle myXXXX)
- {
- return (thing == (Handle)(*myXXXX)->hXXXX);
- }
- /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- /* Close down the window and get rid of any memory that has been allocated.
- Returns TRUE if the operation was successful. If notRevert is false the resource isn't
- released and the data handle isn't disposed (though all the handles it contains
- are disposed). */
- static Boolean DoClose(Boolean notRevert, rXXXXHandle myXXXX)
- {
- PassMenu (fileMenu, closeItem, (ParentHandle)myXXXX);
- if (WasAborted())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- CloseWindow((*myXXXX)->wind);
- WindReturn((*myXXXX)->wind); /* Mark the window record as being available */
- SetTheCursor(arrowCursor); /* Make sure the cursor is the arrow cursor */
- /* Delete any menus that we added and redraw the menu bar. */
- /* Be sure to dispose of any handles you are done with. */
- /* Release the resource if we were launched from a picker. */
- if ((notRevert) && ((*myXXXX)->resWasntLoaded) && ((*((*myXXXX)->father))->windowType != editorWindow))
- ReleaseResource((Handle)(*myXXXX)->hXXXX); /* Let it be free (if it is not changed)! */
- if (notRevert)
- DisposHandle((Handle)myXXXX);
- return true;
- }
- }
- /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- pascal void DoMenu(short menu, short item, rXXXXHandle myXXXX)
- {
- BubbleUp((Handle)myXXXX);
- HLock((Handle)myXXXX);
- SetPort((*myXXXX)->wind); /* Set the port to our window */
- /* Again, we handle the menu stuff just as we would in a 'real' application */
- /* except that we only have to handle those items that apply to our editor. */
- switch (menu)
- {
- case fileMenu:
- switch (item)
- {
- case closeItem:
- if (DoClose(true, myXXXX)) /* Close our window */
- {
- return; /* Return immediately since our resource is gone! */
- }
- break;
- case saveItem: /* Pass the save on to other windows. */
- PassMenu(fileMenu,saveItem, (ParentHandle)myXXXX);
- break;
- case printItem:
- PrintWindow(nil);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case rsrcMenu:
- switch(item)
- {
- case rsrcRevertItem:
- if (NeedToRevert((*myXXXX)->wind, (Handle)(*myXXXX)->hXXXX))
- {
- /* The area under the window will need to be updated */
- InvalRect(&(*myXXXX)->wind->portRect);
- /* Read in the old copy from disk (see documentation for revertResource) */
- /* Clear it out unless this was a newly created resource */
- if (!RevertThisResource((ParentHandle)myXXXX, (Handle)(*myXXXX)->hXXXX))
- {
- /* The resource was newly added so we need to remove it.*/
- /* Make sure that the picker list is rebuilt to remove this item. */
- (*((*myXXXX)->father))->rebuild = true;
- if (DoClose(false, myXXXX)) /* Close the window. */
- {
- RERemoveAnyResource((*myXXXX)->theResFile, (*myXXXX)->hXXXX); /* Dispose the resource itself. */
- DisposHandle((Handle)myXXXX);
- return; /* Since the resource is gone. */
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case rsrcGetInfoItem: /* Show GetInfo window */
- ShowInfo((Handle)(*myXXXX)->hXXXX,(ParentHandle)myXXXX);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case editMenu: /* Implement the edit menu here */
- switch (item)
- {
- case cutItem:
- break;
- case copyItem:
- break;
- case pasteItem:
- break;
- case clearItem:
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- HUnlock((Handle)myXXXX);
- }